Welcome to Atomic Media, where you can find tons of bitmap fonts great for Flash, Web and WAP design.

Our pixel fonts are especially designed for Flash so that they don't blur or fill, and come complete with outlines for any print application.

Check out our newest fonts by Chilean type designer Miguel Hernández!

Some of our favorites by Miguel are Dotic, Mezcal and Tekilla.

Don't forget to look at the new designs of Susan Kare, the matriarch of all things pixel. Her Kare Icon ThreePak contains 234 amazing icons.

Can't decide on just one font? Take a look at our font Paks - get a bunch of fonts at 50% off or more!

View Fonts by --> Paks | Singles | Matthew Bardram | Susan Kare | Miguel Hernández
Copyright 1997-2004 Matthew Bardram and Atomic Media