March 17, 2004
sled.jpg iPod turns to mush

Evidently, iPods have infiltrated the Iditarod Race in Alaska. Joel Gay from ADN writes:

"Karen Ramstead, the Alberta, Canada, musher who has scratched twice and finished 57th in 2001, said she has five audio books, not to mention every CD in her home collection installed on her iPod. 'And I didn't even dent the memory," she said. "This is the slickest little system.'"


March 16, 2004
ccspoof.jpg iPod Spoofing...

You can see the new Comedy Central iPod commercial spoofs here


toshiba.jpg Guinness World Record...

From Reuters:

TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan's Toshiba Corp said on Tuesday that Guinness World Records had certified its stamp-sized hard disk drives (HDDs) as the smallest in the world...


March 15, 2004


iPod of Love...

In the barter section of Craig's List NYC:

"I'll buy you an IPOD if you be my GF for one and 1/2 weeks

I'm having my parents come visit me sometime in the next two weeks and have lied and told them I am dating someone I am in love with. You will only have to come to one dinner. In exchange for this I will buy you an IPOD - yes new - we walk into the store together and buy a new IPOD. Let me know if this interests you, and if you want to be in a loving relationship with all the benefits it brings ;-) I want to pretend we are totally in love."

[If they pull the entry, click on the image to the left for a screenshot]


image Irresistable Mini

Leander Kahney writes about the iPod for Wired:

"'No thanks, I don't want to hold it,' I told her. 'I don't even want to look at it, because then I'd have to buy one.'

I know the seductive power of Apple's products, and the iPod mini gives off irresistible "buy me" vibes. The mini casts a spell, a shopping hex that pulls you irresistibly toward the cash register."


March 14, 2004
t.jpg Appearance of perfection

Dan Hill from Core77 thinks about the depth...really in depth. Actually, it's a pretty amazing piece.


March 12, 2004
toronto.jpg iPods getting plastered...

Here are some photographs of a subway station in downtown Toronto that has been plastered with iPod advertising.

[Via MacMinute]


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