Showcase of 50 Kick Ass Web Designs

You know the saying “don’t judge a book by it’s cover” ? Well, your website design IS your cover – and people DO judge you by it. Your website is your lifeline to making a good first impression online and without a kick ass website design, you’re losing out on many potential viewers/clients/readers. So what qualifies as a good website design? This is a list of 50 killer web designs we feel embody the great web designs = great websites philosophy.

Click the images below to view each website and make sure to let us know in the comments which sites you like best and why. We’ve done a mixture of styles, so there’s something here for everybody ;)

If you feel your website (or another website you know) should be added to the list, feel free to comment and let us know – we’re always on the lookout for other kick ass website designs!

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