News about fonts...and stuff

Updated: 2/14/02; 0:08:45.

Tuesday, February 12, 2002

11:51:48 PM


Before a recent Brazil vs. Argentina soccer match, an Argentinean condom manufacturer posted this ad...

Brazil won, however, resulting in the following ad...


9:44:49 PM

Apple introduces QuickTime 6; release delayed [MacNN]  

5:47:39 PM


I have updated my website in cool new anticolor - I haven't linked up to this Radioland newspage yet, but I will soon. This should get me off my lazy butt and get me writing again! Woohoo.

The other big news is that we are having a font sale. $30 off the price of PixelPak or DigiPak - usually $99. The sale is gunna last until February 15th.  

5:45:11 PM


I have a new interview about Atomic Media at Typophile . It's basically a rundown on the "lo-res" font business.  

© Copyright 2002 Matthew Bardram.
Last update: 2/14/02; 0:08:45.


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