News about fonts...and stuff

Updated: 2/14/02; 13:35:28.

Thursday, February 14, 2002

1:27:56 PM

TypeCon 2002 announced

The Society of Typographic Aficionados has officially announced TypeCon2002: The Message and The Medium, July 12-14 Toronto, Canada.  

12:59:45 PM


The first house pet has been cloned but it was The Wall Street Journal, not the cloners, who blabbed. The domestic cat was cloned late last year by researchers at Texas A&M University, but the school doesn't want to make an official announcement until the cat is found to be healthy and genetically identical to the original. The project, known cleverly as CopyCat, was funded by 81-year-old financier John Sperling, who is probably wishing they'd speed things up a bit.  

12:41:00 PM

AIR ROMP-Adam Curry

"Good morning from Amsterdam, it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood! Scanning the news: A randy, drug-fueled romp in a New York-bound jet's rest room sparked a midair terror scare that sent a pair of F-16 fighter jets scrambling yesterday." [Adam Curry: CurryDotCom]  

© Copyright 2002 Matthew Bardram.
Last update: 2/14/02; 13:35:28.


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