7 WordPress Stats Plugins
Knowing the statistical data of your WordPress site is very important. Special plugins are available that help you keep track of all of the statistical data that matters to you.
WP-Advanced-Stats-Viewer – This is an advanced stats tracking plugin which makes it much easier to understand the stats from your WordPress blog.
WP Stats – Useful plugin to find out statistical data about the site it is placed on. Comes with installation instructions with the file to help you understand the installation instructions.
Quick Stats – Useful plugin to view real time stats in a small time window. Easy to install and can be used for several stats retrieval options. Very useful by many people who need to know quick statistics.
WordPress.com Stats – Once installed, the plugin starts collecting statistical information that you can choose for it to collect for your own personal statistical needs.
Generic Stats – Useful statistical configuration tool which can manage several different statistical options.
Feed Stats for WordPress – Useful plugin that is used to view your FeedBurner statistics. This can include information such as subscribers, hits, reach, item clickthroughs and item views.
Blog Stats By W3Counter – Integrates the free counter stats program from W3Counter’s free web stats that allows you to see real time usage statistics for your blog.
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