Newsletter Subscription Plugins for WordPress

Newsletter Subscription Plugins for WordPress

[tweetmeme]Allowing visitors to gain access to your newsletter through subscription is possible through several methods. Newsletter subscription plugins are very useful towards the cause.

Vertical Response Newsletter Widget – Add vertical response newsletter capabilities and subscriptions with this plugin. (Free accounts are available for vertical response)

Simple Newsletter Plugin – A simple opt in style newsletter for those who want to stay informed about your blog.

Newsletter – Simple opt in system for newsletters complete with a simple newsletter composer. Comes with a double opt in feature to confirm their interest in subscribing to your newsletter.

Sitewide Newsletters – Designed for the blog admin to send newsletters to all registered users and co-authors on a blog. It is designed to send each email individually to each registered user.

MeeNews Newsletter Plugin – Full featured newsletter client with customizable themes and more. Easy to use, even without programming knowledge to send photos and other multimedia to opted in users as well.

Newsletter Converter – Very useful plugin that can be used to convert your homepage into a clean and inline coded page that can be sent directly to those on your newsletter e-mailing list.

WP PHPList – This plugin makes it possible for your blog readers to easily subscribe to your RSS feed or newsletter with a simple PHP code inclusion on any page you need it.

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